Absence Reporting

Absence Reporting

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Regular attendance and promptness to class are necessary for the continuity of learning and the development of good habits.  

Parents/guardians must call the Chardon Middle School Attendance number: 440.285.4062 (Press 1) before 8:00 AM the day their son or daughter is absent. This is a 24-hour attendance line.  

Please include the child’s name, grade, reason for absence, and duration of the absence.  If a parent/guardian call is not received by 8:00 AM on the day of the absence, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted at home or work to verify the student's absence.  

If communication with a parent / guardian does not occur, the student will be marked as unexcused until contact is made.

**Important:  Please do not report absences via email. Absence reporting is time-sensitive and requires a phone call. If you email, you will be asked to call the main office.**
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