Ms. Lauri Zampino
Topper Care Director
Phone: 440.286.0407
7/13/23 - Emailed to all K-7 Enrolled Families & Ongoing Distribution to Incoming Enrollments
Dear Kindergarten - Grade 7 Families:
EXCITING NEWS for our Before-School / After-School Care program!
- Move over Latchkey...there's a new name in town!
Effective July 12, 2023, Topper Care is the official NEW Hilltopper name for our KDG-7 program that previously operated as Chardon Latchkey.
Look for our Topper Care logo coming this fall!
- Topper Care registration is now open for the 2023-24 school year!
We are pleased to continue our long-standing tradition of providing high-quality care for your students before and after school.
- Both new and returning Topper Care families can register their student(s) TODAY for the 2023-24 school year. Contact Topper Care Director Ms. Lauri Zampino at [email protected] or 440.286.0407 to register. Spaces fill up quickly!
- Our 2023-24 Topper Care Policies are now available.
Please review the policies — whether you are new or returning to the program — to ensure you and your student are well informed on Topper Care expectations and procedures.
Kindergarten Policies
A.M. & P.M. Care for Kindergarten students
Grades 1-3 Policies
A.M. & P.M. Care for Munson Elementary and Park Elementary students
Grades 4-7 Policies
NOTE: ONLY P.M. Topper Care is offered for CMS (Grades 4-7) students, and Topper Care is located at the Chardon Early Learning Center for those grade levels.
- Want to learn more?
Visit our Topper Care webpage, which is also directly linked on your school's website. Questions about Topper Care can be directed to Ms. Lauri Zampino via the contact information listed above.
We Commit to High Achievement for All Students