Kelly Misch
Communications Director
Chardon Local Schools
Hambden Time Capsule '98 Display
Community Connections Build Stronger Schools
November 15, 2023 — With much thanks to Dorrie Keough's and Jamie Porter's Hambden Elementary Time Capsule '98 post-discovery efforts and the Chardon Schools Maintenance Team's recovery of the capsule this fall, there are some salvageable items from the capsule — including student notes and drawings from Mrs. Williams' 1997-98 1st-grade class!
Presentable items will be on display in the lobby:
ONE EVENING - Monday, November 20, 2023
4:00PM - 6:00PM
Open to the Community
Event Organizers/Greeters will include:
- Retired Principal Dorrie Keough
- Volunteer/Sub/Tutor Jamie Porter
- Retired Teacher Bert Hansen
6 WEEKDAYS - November 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 2023
8:00AM - 4:00PM
Open to the Community
Please note that the administrative building is CLOSED for Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 23-24, 2023) and is also closed on weekends.
Visitors who identify an item as theirs may tag it during their visit. The tagged item will be available for pickup beginning on TUESDAY, NOV. 27 during the above-noted hours. **Items not picked up by Dec. 1 will be discarded.**
We Are Chardon
We Commit to High Achievement for All Students